I blame TV. My DirecTV deal was ending so I had to change my package or they were going to charge me for EVERYTHING. I usually just watch network TV so I was going to switch to the minimum service but the minimum service doesn’t have ESPN! What the hell good is that? Anyway, I’m going to get the privilege of paying close to $90 a month and I’m paying another $200 to upgrade two TVs to HD. I’m such a sucker.
Well, all that happened partially because I was AVOIDING REAL WORK on Friday, though I was fairly unsuccessful at that. I was arguing with right-wing lawyers on Facebook and ordering TV service while I was supposed to be writing a self-assessment. Turns out I had some “real” work to do — making a Powerpoint presentation. Oh how dirty I feel now. Oh, and I had them add my iPhone to the work email server so I can’t get away from work now.
Last night we went out for Il’s birthday to Ringside. $200 down the tubes, or at least down my gullet. My problem is that he has a girlfriend and so I can’t call him my heterosexual life partner any longer. Even Nurse Tiff thinks I should start up on eHarmony.
I made a list for today to move the DirecTV outlets and paint the closet. I tried to procrastinate, but I went to the paint store, put in a light and light switch in the closet, moved furniture, cut in two electrical outlets where I want the DirecTV outlets to go, and was generally overly ambitious. I’m waiting for the DirecTV guy to do the wiring before I patch up a couple more holes and actually start painting, but is this what I have to look forward to now that football season is almost over? It’s so much easier when I can just sit inside and tell myself that I’m paying so much for TV that I need to watch it.
Well, I guess I did spend the evening watching TV again. No matter how you slice it, I am still pretty boring, but I caught up on all the shows on my DVR. Time to start reading!