Once again, I’m going to steal part of this post from the Portland Burger Blog because we just went to Wildwood and had one of the better burgers in town. Man, was it tasty.
Before hitting the gym, though, I did “Helen’ at the gym: 3 rounds of 2 laps around the gym, 21 24kg kettle bell swings, and 12 pullups. The fastest I’ve done it in is 10:02 and today it took me 10:17. I blame Nadine for not posting it on her blog. I usually check it to see how much I can eat for lunch, and she’s been slacking lately. I figured we did a timed workout yesterday so we wouldn’t do another one today, but I was wrong. I did well enough, though.
In any case, let the review of the Wildwood burger begin!
I have to admit that I’m a bit conflicted when it comes to Wildwood. It’s been around for fifteen years at least and it used to be run by a guy who was a few years ahead of me in grade school. The food is supposed to be great, but it’s the kind of place where the rich people from the suburbs like to go. They’ve always had a reputation for a good hamburger, though, and I convinced several others to accompany me to try it. Sean, Erin, and I had the burger and Melissa had a salad.

It’s hard to tell from the picture, but this is one of the best burgers I’ve had. I’m not sure if the Laurelhurst Market burger is that much better than this one, but I’d give it the edge because this one was a little salty for my tastes. But man, I’d hate to have to make a quick decision between the two. The picture doesn’t do the burger much justice and you can’t really see half of it under all the bacon they gave me on top of it. Above the bacon pile you can see the top bun with the grilled onions. The bun was soft and tasty and the meat was delicious, just the way I like it. They also had a garlic confit, but I wasn’t able to distinguish it amongst the other flavors. It was tasty.
We stuffed ourselves silly and they apologized for the time it took for the burger to be prepared. It wasn’t quick, but we didn’t think it took too long, but they comped us a couple of desserts to make up for it. One was profiteroles stuffed with a chocolate mousse with salty pralines. The other was a lemon semifreddo with huckleberry sauce. Both were delicious. In fact, Melissa thought she would like coming back just for the desserts. I have to say huckleberries are one of my favorite fruits and they really won me over with the lemon semifreddo.
The whole dinner wasn’t all that expensive, either, but I think you have to ask for the bar menu to get the hamburgers. In any case, it’s certainly a place I’d recommend.