Dragging my ass around.

I’m guessing that until I get a good eight hours of sleep some night, I’m not going to be doing much more than dragging myself around. Especially at the gym. I’m not feeling in tip-top shape, anyway and my stomach has been giving me weird grumbling noises since this afternoon. I figure I was eating too much of the weird cafeteria salad and not enough of the normal (for me) Mexican food.

The odd part about being so tired is that when I do finally drag myself to bed, I usually just lie there awhile, not able to sleep. Then I fall asleep, only to have my usual short nightmare and then I wake up and lie there some more. Maybe if I just went to bed ON TIME (like before 10PM if I want to get 8 hours of sleep instead of much closer to midnight) i might just sleep better. Well, I guess that’s just something else I OUGHT to be doing.

Right now I’m craving raspberry sorbet. I got a bunch of raspberries from a co-worker who brings in eggs to sell. This time he had some free raspberries along with the eggs. My mom doesn’t like the seeds, so she shipped them off to my sister, who is supposed to make something with them. I’m hoping I get some of whatever she makes. That was implied, but knowing my sister she’ll hoover it all before I see anything besides a picture. And most likely a Hello Kitty picture at that.

Today’s workout was a big ball of suck.

I’m usually tired at the gym, but today was especially bad. I got there early, sat on the bench like I usually do, but I leaned my head back on the wall and closed my eyes. I wanted to be asleep. I’m not sure if it was the late night working on my computer (like an idiot), or three days of day-long customer meetings cooped up in a room the customers said was “chilly”, or the sudden 90°F heat, but this was closest I’ve been to throwing up at the end of a workout.

Last time I did this one, I did it in 24:04. This time it took me 35:45. I was, however, using Orion weight, and Orion was described today as a “hairy white Bruce Lee” because he’s ripped like that (and white and hairy). The quote is from Evan, who I actually beat, but only because he was doing ridiculous Evan weight (more than Orion weight). Evan is, however, 24 and will probably recover quite quickly.

So there you have it. I survived half this week, but just barely.

Two down, one to go.

There really isn’t that much to talk about because all I have to talk about is work. I got in enough trouble complaining about a job I didn’t like and I’m not about to get in trouble for complaining about a job I actually do like., though I wouldn’t mind winning the lottery and taking a long vacation. I’m in the middle of three days of day-long meetings with dinners afterwards, so there really isn’t much to talk about except for work.

I really should be asleep already, since I’ve proved to myself that 7 1/2 hours of sleep means I can stay awake through the day (though the chairs in the conference room make my ass hurt after about 6 hours) but 6 hours of sleep just don’t cut it. But I didn’t get back from dinner until a while ago and it takes me a while to wind down.

I also ate too much pizza at A Pizza Scholls. I know I swore I’d never stand in a line that long for a frigging pizza, but this was an obligation of sorts, and the pizza was excellent. Besides, it was Tuesday, there wasn’t a huge crowd, and I only waited THIRTY-FIVE MINUTES. (I think I may have waited half that for Blondie’s pizza back in my youth.) I’m not convinced it’s worth the wait, but if someone twisted my arm I’d go again.

I am a bad son.

My mom does a lot of puzzles. Some of them you’d probably recognize, like the Word Search and Sudoku from the daily paper, but others look like crossword puzzles filled with kanji. The worst part about the crossword puzzles is that there aren’t any hints to them and I’m not sure how you decide what exactly to put in those boxes. I’m sure it’s not random gibberish, because what would be the fun of that? You might as well start writing it on the walls so you can look properly crazy when people come to visit.

Years ago I figured she’d like playing computer games. She’s had little electronic games and a Tamagochi and I’ve been giving her games like Snood and Tumblebugs. (As an aside, Tumblebugs no longer works on the Mac and we’ve been waiting for years for them to fix it.) In any case, I got her a copy of Peggle. She’s been playing Peggle a little too much lately, staying up late at times. And as a bad son, I got her Peggle Nights as well.

As for me, I had a fine day of paying bills and sorting out some of the papers I have piled on my desk. I also finally got my Arduino Ethernet Shield working and I must admit that was a larger pain in my ass than I’d like to admit. A few more parts, though, and I’ll have my remote computer rebooter ready. Much geekier than Peggle, eh?

I wonder if it’s still scary.

I spent most of the day trying to get this silly electronical gadget working and I was pretty certain that I hate computers and need them out of my life, but that was only a temporary thought. My computer, after all, has found an episode of Ghost Story from 1972 that scared the crap out of me when I was eight. I still remember “The Concrete Captain” and I wonder now if it would have the same effect on me now. I’m sure I’ll stay up too late finding out.

Fortunately, I didn’t stay up that late finishing Requiem For an Assassin. If I had known that it was the last “John Rain” book, I’d have taken more time to read it. The gym is closed for the next few days, as well, so I’ll have more time for sleeping and geekery. Why not watch a ghost story from my youth to see if it does anything for me. I even had some Otter Pops so I could be OK.

What to do on a Friday night.

I’ve decided to give up on dating (not that I’d taken it up with much gusto) and that left me with lots more time on my Friday night. I stayed at work late, took my mom to the new Thai restaurant in the neighborhood (Red Onions) and did some inconsequential geeking. The restaurant, by the way, was excellent, though the service was iffy.

So back to the geekery: I have a computer that keeps locking up and I have to hit the reset button to get it going again. I figured I’d use this little Arduino thing with an Ethernet port to be able to reset it remotely, so I had to go digging in all the boxes in the basement to find my soldering iron and my magnifying visor. I was hunched over this little bench like a mad scientist soldering it all together, and then I had to plug it in to see if it all worked. When it didn’t work, I had to break out the Ethernet sniffer and when that didn’t work I gave up and started reading my book. The bad part about reading that book is that I may finish it and have to buy another. I suppose that’s not so bad.

I’ve reverted to my natural state and I’m probably going to hole up in the basement trying to wire together something ridiculous and fragile and ultimately geeky, but that’s the way we roll. Andiamo.

Fran still sucks.

Well, I think I hit another personal best with Fran, but I better write down the time (7:52 with 2 40lb dumbbells) because every time I do Fran I end up a little shaky and the picture I take of the workout board is just plain fuzzy. Last time I know I was DFL with the 40lb dumbbells and I’m pretty sure that meant I took more than 13 minutes. My best time is 8 or 9 minutes, as far as I remember, so 7:42 isn’t so bad.

And look at that, I’m up late again. I’m not too worried about being up late on a Thursday night, because my Friday nights are usually about watching TV and being tired anyway. I’m expecting a long day at work setting up servers, so I don’t have to be completely awake, either. Or at least that’s my current plan.

So I really should put down the Kindle 2 now that I have the software on my Mac updated again, but when have I had any sense? I’ve given up dating so I’m now I can watch more TV. Especially this show Warehouse 13 where they keep talking about cookies. What can beat cookies?

Time to try to get to sleep early.

HAH. HAH, I say. I was about to head to bed VERY EARLY with a book, but I helped a friend move his computer across the neighborhood. Really, moving a computer a couple of blocks is something you can do without a car, but moving it a few miles is not.

But it’s still not too late for me to head to bed not quite as early, but with the book nevertheless. I may just do that.

Just one game of Peggle first…

Another day of little sleep.

One thing that makes a workout hard is eating too much at lunch. Like a giant bratwurst and an equally large hamburger, potato salad, and baked beans. Plus a couple of beers. I was presented with two choices today, either go out to an off-site with my old group at work and submit to alcoholic and culinary peer pressure, or stay at work. There really wasn’t much of a choice to be made, and most of it had worn off by the time I made it to the gym.

I got a new NAS today (a network connected set of hard drives) and I’m up late setting it up. It’s meant to be very simple and the instructions are abysmally short. The problem is that I was using hard disks that already had data on them from a completely different system, and that confused the NAS. So now, hours later, after crashing several unrelated computers, I finally figured out what I was doing and I think I have it working now. I wonder if I need a new hobby.

I don’t think this heavy nerd rotation is going to work during the week.

I’m still trying to learn Mac OS X programming, but I figure the small slivers of time I get during the week aren’t going to be enough. I should just take that time and do something frivolous with it, like reading mysteries. Really, though, I spend a whole log of money reading mysteries. Or playing Peggle. My mom, sister, and I are all hooked on Peggle.

I saw some pretty incredible times in the workouts today and Jorgen and I didn’t do all that poorly. Our time wasn’t one of the fastest, but we did the high box jump and each of us almost fell off of it once. We also used the twenty five pound D-ball. Going from twenty to twenty five pounds doesn’t sound like a big deal until you start doing a lot of repetitions; it’s a 25% increase, after all. Pretty good for an old dude.

My big celebration should be because I survived another Monday. I’m not sure why, but that three-day weekend just made it all the harder to come back to work. It’s like I need a vacation.

Why can’t the long weekend be longer?

The worst part about Sunday is that it’s almost Monday and especially after a long weekend. I don’t want to go back to work. I suppose it could be worse.

It really didn’t feel that much like the 4th of July because I was much too sober. I went to two picnics with my mom around, so it made more sense to limit myself to fewer beers than I usually drink. I did, however, drink a whole lot of Perrier.

And I didn’t watch the fireworks. The big Fort Vancouver fireworks (supposedly the largest fireworks west of the Mississippi or something else that the marketing folks keep repeating) were canceled this year due to lack of funding and that’s the one you can see on the horizon from the hill in front of our house. People bought plenty of illegal fireworks and were setting them off in the schoolyard, but I didn’t really care. I was busy trying to get further in this book on how to program Mac OS X, a book that I usually get a few chapters into before I finally have to do something else. This weekend, I didn’t have to do that much else, and some of the stuff in the book is starting to stick. It should, I’ve tried getting through versions 1, 2 and 3 of this book before. This is my second pass through version 3.

So there you go. You knew I was a nerd and I’m busy trying to live up to my nerd reputation.

Day off.

When I take a day off, I don’t do all that much. I know people who have errands lined up but I’m more likely to sit around and fool around with my computer or read a book. Today I did both, and really didn’t get all that much done. I did, however, finish a John Rain novel by Barry Eisler, The Last Assassin, and a Myron Bolitar mystery by Harlen Coben, Long Lost. Both were pretty good, though both are getting a bit predictable. Sitting inside on a 90+°F day reading books is my idea of a day off.

This book habit is always a bit expensive and my sister told me I should read a real book that she swears she lent me, The Woods by Tara French. I think she took it back and I can’t find it, but I did find a copy of Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X which is disappointing because those books cost $50 each. Ah, well. That’s life.

Some people don't believe my luck.